Do you like yummy food?

Or you like yummy and healthy food?

Does it matter?

Choosing the right type of food is important!

Eating the right type of food in right amount makes us healthy and strong.

The right type of food is the one that contains essential substances needed for proper growth.

These essential substances are called nutrients.

Nutrients can be divided into following groups.


Carbohydrates are one of the main source of energy for us.

They are found in most of the food we eat.

We must eat the naturally occurring and unrefined carbohydrates like

We must limit the intake of processed and refined carbohydrates like

Protein helps in building, maintaining, and repairing the tissues in our body.

Our muscles, organs, and immune system are mostly made of protein.

Protein is found in lots of yummy food like

We must include adequate amount of protein in our diet.

Fats play an important role in the development of brain and helps us to grow properly.

It gives flavor and texture to the food but eating it in excess amount can cause many health problems.

Both kids and adults should eat healthy fats in right amounts.

For example,

We must avoid eating the unhealthy fats.


Vitamins and minerals are essential substances required for the healthy functioning of our bodies.

They also convert food into energy and help us fight with infections.

They are not produced in our bodies and must be derived from the food we eat.

Like the fresh and yummy fruits and vegetables.

Both the deficiency and overdose of vitamins and minerals can cause severe problems.

We need water to digest our food and get rid of the waste.

Water also helps to keep our temperature normal.

Apart from the drinking water and milk, we get water from other sources of food as well.

Like the fresh and healthy fruit and vegetable juices.

Staying dehydrated or not drinking enough water can make us fall sick.

So now we know that to stay healthy, active, and happy we need to choose


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